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Altair Activate Requirements Management

Activate Integration with the Systems Engineering Tool XLDyn

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Altair Activate Clutch

A dry-plate clutch used to transmit power from engine to driven wheels

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Altair Activate Accelerometer modeling

A mechanical accelerometer using transfer functions

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Altair Activate Hoistway Modeling

A highrise building roped hoistway elevator system

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Altair Embed - Rapid Diagram-to-Code

In under 60 seconds, blink an LED connected to an Arduino by rapidly and easily generating code from a block diagram

Quick Start

Altair Embed Connecting to Controller Hardware (Arduino, etc.)

How to generate code from a block diagram and move it onto target microcontroller (MCU) hardware such as an Arduino

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Altair Embed Construct State Diagrams

Push-button control of an Arduino using a state chart and code generation

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Altair Embed Drone DC Motor Control HIL

Hardware in the loop (HIL) testing of a speed controller for a motor used on a drone propeller

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Altair Embed PMSM Sensorless Field Oriented Control HIL

Set parameters to optimize controller performance for permanent magnet synchronous motor (PMSM) without an encoder

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Hybrid Cloud Bursting with Altair Control

Organizations with limited on-premises resources can boost their computing capabilities with automated cloud bursting. See how in this Altair Control demo video.

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Altair Activate 1D Block Diagram Modeling

Model and simulate systems using one-dimensional (1D) block diagrams

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Altair Activate Physical Modeling via Modelica

Construct models using a physical modeling approach with Modelica

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Altair Activate Combining 1D Signal and Physical Blocks

Example of simulating a system-of-systems by combining signal-based modeling with physical modeling

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Altair Activate Open System Integration via FMI

Leverage the Functional Mock-up Interface to help couple together 3D models with 1D models

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Altair Activate 1D/3D Example: Active Suspension

Example of using both 1D models + 3D models together to simulate an Active Suspension system

Quick Start

Altair Activate 0D & 1D Modeling

Example of using either 1D modeling or 0D modeling to simulate a basic electrical circuit system

Quick Start

Altair Compose CAE Test Data

Import various types of CAE or test data for visualization and/or manipulation in Altair Compose

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Altair Compose Curve Fitting

Fit an optimized curve through imported test data with Altair Compose

Quick Start

Altair Compose System Dynamics

Assess and improve system dynamics with Altair Compose by constructing and solving differential equations, then understand design sensitivities by rapidly changing model parameters

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Altair Compose: Read CAE Data Natively

Leverage data-reader functions built into Altair Compose to make it easy to import and post-process CAE and test data, using any of numerous standard data file formats

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Altair Compose: Coupling with Python

Use Altair Compose with Python to create, execute, and debug scripts and to visualize results. Combine with scripts written in OML to get the best of both worlds.

Quick Start

Altair Compose: HyperWorks Automation Tool

Calculate margins of safety of fasteners with less segregate tools integrating result, model and math through the HyperWorks bridge to maximize productivity

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Altair Compose Digital Data Compression

Use handy digital signal processing functions to easily compress the data with minimal loss of quality, producing smaller data packets which require less time to transmit from space to ground

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Altair Compose Custom Library Creation

Create and import custom Compose libraries using C/C++ functions to achieve better reliability of processes and efficiency of calculation

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Altair Compose Flutter Data Analysis

Automatically parse and manipulate CAE text output files to avoid manual work with a more appropriate environment for math operations

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Altair Compose Fatigue Damage Evaluation

Evaluate Fatigue damage and life based on the load history applying handy Fatigue methods under high cycle or low cycle

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Altair Compose Auto-Generating Input for FEKO

Automate the generation of antenna array excitations seamlessly performing the necessary calculations, data formatting, and output

Quick Start

Altair Flux - Getting Started

This video helps you to get started using Altair Flux™ quickly. Flux Supervisor is the central part for accessing Flux. You can adjust basic settings of the software, such as the working directory and memory settings, launch new or existing projects, open example cases, directly access the documentation or run batch files.

Quick Start

Stress Life Analysis

This video shows the typical workflow to perform a stress life analysis in HyperLife.

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Spot Weld Fatigue

This video shows the typical workflow to perform a spot weld fatigue analysis with HyperLife.

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SimLab Automated Results

Improve CAE accuracy with automated results convergence

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Fatigue Approach and Types

Select the fatigue approach and type in HyperLife.

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Import CAD and Define Connections

Step 1 in getting started with SimSolid, Import CAD and identify connections

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Setup and Run Analysis

Step 2 in getting started with SimSolid, setup loads and run analysis

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Review and Evaluate Results

Step 3 in getting started with SimSolid, interactively review and evaluate results

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Modeling: Bearings and Weldings

Parametric modeling of bearings and weldings in SimLab

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Material Model Assignment

Assign material from database or create your own material in HyperLife

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Integration CAD/FEA for Optimization/DOE

Seamlessly setup and run optimization and design of experiment (DOE) studies in SimLab

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Automated Weld Mesh

Automatically create weldings mesh in SimLab

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Altair HyperLife Load Map

Create load history events in HyperLife

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Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD)

Setup and run fluid a dynamics analysis in SimLab

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Analyze and Compare Variants

Step 4 in getting started with SimSolid, import and compare variants

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Vibro-Acoustic Analysis

Setup and run a vibro-acoustic analysis in SimLab

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Run and Evaluate Results

Run analysis and evaluate results in HyperLife

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Automated Bearings Mesh Creation

Automatically create bearings mesh in SimLab

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Mesh Editing with Face Replace

Update model mesh with automated geometry recognition in SimLab

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Structural Optimization

Setup and run a structural optimization in SimLab

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Automated LBCs Assignment

Automatically assign load boundary conditions (LBCs) in SimLab

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