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Using your CAD in MapleSim

See how to import and work with your CAD model in MapleSim.

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Accelerating Complex Linear and Nonlinear Analysis Processes from HyperMesh to OptiStruct

Supported by the streamlined, intuitive workflows in HyperMesh, running nonlinear analysis in OptiStruct is easier and more powerful than ever. Nonlinear explicit analysis is now supported, enabling simulation of drop tests, impact analysis, and more. Check out this webinar to see how Altair’s unified modeling and simulation platform can eliminate tedious meshing tasks and accelerate your nonlinear analysis processes. In this webinar, we'll demo 5 different car door abuse use-cases, solving using linear dynamics, nonlinear quasi-static implicit, and nonlinear explicit dynamics analysis in OptiStruct.


Accurate and Efficient Simulation of Laminated Composites

This webinar presents a complete composites workflow for all industries, the simulation-driven design workflow allows for an efficient process that enables time and money reduction.


Introduction to Panopticon Streams: Stream Processing with No Coding

Panopticon Streams, a stream processing engine built on the popular Apache Kafka platform, enables business users to build sophisticated Kafka data flows with no coding. Streams connects directly to a wide range of streaming and historic information sources, including Kafka, Kx kdb+, Solace, Hadoop and NoSQL sources. Streams supports critical data functions including: - Streaming Data Prep: Combines multiple real-time streams with historic data sources - Calculation Engine: Calculates performance metrics based on business needs - Aggregation Driver: Combines data as needed - Alerting Engine: Highlights anomalies against user-defined thresholds - Integration with the Confluent Enterprise Control Center - Expanded support for IoT environments, including manufacturing, energy/utilities, and transportation/logistics The engine is designed to be used by people who understand their business problems. They can create their own data flows utilizing data from any number of sources and incorporate joins, aggregations, conflations, calculations, unions, merges, and alerts into their stream processing applications. They can then visualize processed data using Panopticon Visual Analytics and/or output it to Kafka, Kx kdb+, InfluxDb, or any SQL database.

Product Overview Videos

Take Advantage of Characteristic Mode Analysis for Your Antenna Design

Characteristic Mode Analysis (CMA) enables a systematic approach to antenna design and antenna placement. The approach is based on insight in the fundamental resonance characteristics of antenna geometries and of the structures on which they are mounted. This insight aids in choosing the locations of the excitations on the antenna and of the antennas on the platform. Furthermore, knowledge of the coupling between excitations and modes enables the design engineer to synthesize the desired antenna pattern by exciting a linear combination of modal patterns. This webinar presents the applicability of CMA to antenna design with examples.


Make Design Decisions in Seconds

SimSolid is a game-changing simulation technology for designers and design engineers. SimSolid accelerates design exploration with highly accurate engineering simulation. With SimSolid, you can analyze complex assemblies in seconds to minutes, simulate more and prototype less, and finally predict product performance for better design decision making.


From Composites Design to Production with Altair HyperWorks

Walk Through the Journey of Advanced Composites with Altair

Watch the on-demand recordings and find out how Altair's composites solutions can help you design and analyze structures ready for production.


Efficient Design Certification Calculations with HyperWorks Integrated Composites Stress Toolbox

In this demonstration, you will learn about efficient design and post-processing of complex laminated composite structures.


Simulating the Performance of Fiber-Reinforced Injection Molded Parts

In this demonstration we show the full process of manufacturing injection molded parts to component performance in virtual process. The outcome is injection molded parts with desired mechanical performance with minimal experimental testing.


Material Characterization of Continuous Fiber Composites

Availability of material data is a major bottleneck in simulating composite structures. Material suppliers’ datasheets or handbook values do not represent the actual properties resulting from the company’s manufacturing processes. On the other hand, doing a complete material characterization through a test campaign is very costly and time consuming. To overcome these issues, accurate multiscale simulation with predictive capability, as provided by Altair Multiscale Designer, can be used in combination with a limited set of physical tests for developing accurate material models. Further, the accurate modeling of the composite nonlinear and failure behavior through the multiscale approach brings the accuracy of composite structural simulations to a new level.


Composite Pressure Vessel Design and Simulation

Composite Pressure Vessels (CPV) play an important role in the emerging market for the fuel cell electric vehicles, but there are also numerous more traditional application areas for CPVs. The filament winding process used for the manufacturing of CPVs ties the possible fiber paths to the manufacturing process. Hence, in the design and analysis of CPVs it is important to include both the manufacturing and structural simulation. The webinar shows how Altair software interface with third-party filament winding simulation software to create CPV structural models using different level of details according to analysis needs. The use of multiscale material modeling provides means for accurate damage and failure predictions of CPVs.


Efficient Simulation of 3D Printed Lattice Structures

3D printed lattice structures increase the design freedom in areas of the design where, for example, the full stiffness of the material is not needed, or a specific anisotropic material behavior is beneficial. At the same time the high geometric complexity on a scale below the standard modelling element size makes it extremely difficult to include all anisotropic effects in the standard CAE model and keep the same numeric efficiency together with the same accuracy of results. Using multiscale approaches like Altair Multiscale Designer to link microscale geometric features with a standard macro CAE model combines both scales in a highly efficient way and enables the numeric efficient and highly accurate simulation of lattice structures on component and assembly level.


Inspire Studio How-To Series: Designing a Measuring Cup

In this Inspire Studio How-to Series we'll be designing a measuring cup. Each video shows a different step in the design process.

Tutorials, Use Cases

Introduction to Altair Feko Component Library

The new Feko component library contains a set of antenna models that are ready for simulation. The library can be searched easily by keywords, and a summary is included for each component. The versatile antenna models can be scaled to frequency, are preconfigured with different solver options and mesh settings, and include options for ground plane modeling and simulation settings. The library also contains a number of generic platform models, such as aircraft, that are added to a model as geometry onto which antennas can be mounted.

Product Overview Videos

HyperStudy – New Definition Concept

Every approach now contains a unique definition of the models, variables, and responses for that approach. These “Definitions” streamline the process of making modifications between approaches. This new framework provides more freedom to explore diverse and multi-disciplinary studies in a single session.

Tips & Tricks

HyperStudy – Measure the Difference Between Curves

Area is a new data source tool that defines a metric to measure the difference between two curves. By minimizing this metric in an optimization, it is simple to tune simulation models to match targets.

Tips & Tricks

HyperStudy – Submit Simulations to Altair PBS Works

HyperStudy has new infrastructure to seamlessly interact with the Altair Access high performance computing platform. This connection handles the upload, submission, and download of the simulation files. Easy access to scalable computing enables design exploration for larger problems.

Tips & Tricks

HyperStudy – Compare Fit and Solver Results

Compare fit and solver results in HyperStudy. Verification - This approach compares two data sets in a side by side comparison.

Tips & Tricks

HyperStudy – Extract Responses from Spreadsheets

Spreadsheet is a new data source tool that can be used identify data in a spreadsheet (*xls or *xlsx) by specifying the sheet name and cell ranges. It is now simple to extract results from software that produces output spreadsheets.

Tips & Tricks

Optimize Your Antenna Design Through Machine Learning

Machine learning is a method of data analysis that automates analytical model building. As the antennas are becoming more and more complex each day, antenna designers can take advantage of machine learning to generate mathematical models for their physical antenna designs and perform fast and intelligent optimization on these mathematical models. This webinar presents a process of fast and intelligent optimization by adopting both the Design of Experiments (DOE) and machine learning.


Panopticon Demo: A Real-Time View of Order Book Depth

Traders need to understand what is happening to the order book right now – in real time – plus what has happened during the last few minutes. With Panopticon, traders can monitor for imbalances across instruments, and then investigate the latest book depth from that time onwards. It can query historic data stored in kdb+, OneTick, or virtually any other high performance data repository, or subscribe to live data streams from Kafka, Solace, Rabbit MQ, or other message buses. When traders are monitoring a wide selection of stocks, they need to see a summary of all books along with calculated metrics to display anomalies. If they are monitoring only a few instruments, they most likely want to see them all in parallel. Panopticon supports either use case, and at any time, the user can jump from the live real time view of the order book to see any part of the trading day to examine anomalies in more detail.

Quick Start

Panopticon Demo: Visualize your Order Book with Full Depth

Panopticon enables traders to visualize their Order Books at full depth. While looking at Top of Book to see the spread across time is useful, traders can’t see what’s happening at depth unless they use much more sophisticated visualizations, as demonstrated in this video. Viewing full depth stats across the a selected period makes it easy to understand what is actually happening with trades. Traders can grouping depth into multiple buckets (in order example, ten buckets) and calculate total size, size imbalance, spreads, and size-weighted average bids and offers down the book, at each level of depth. They can see where the book widens and narrows, where the book is balanced, where there are size imbalances, and where orders are more mixed. They can also see how the best spread correlates to the weighted average spread across the book. This approach is especially useful when making comparisons between different instruments. Traders can easily see anomalies in book depth across the market, and how those anomalies change over time, down to the nanosecond level. This dashboard also enables users to see what sort of strategies other firms in the market are trading; for example, is a rival firm’s strategy focused on market making or is it continuously moving liquidity between both sides of the book? Is it sporadic in its order flow? Does it look like spoofing? In this video, we are looking at trading activity for equities, but the system supports all asset classes and quants, traders, and compliance officers can visualize order books for fixed income, derivatives, commodities, and foreign exchange instruments with equal accuracy and depth.

Quick Start

Panopticon Demo: Build Stream Processing Applications with Zero Coding

Panopticon Streams, a stream processing engine built on the popular Apache Kafka platform, enables business users to build sophisticated Kafka data flows with no coding. Streams connects directly to a wide range of streaming and historic information sources, including Kafka, Kx kdb+, Solace, Hadoop and NoSQL sources. Streams supports critical data functions including: - Streaming Data Prep: Combines multiple real-time streams with historic data sources - Calculation Engine: Calculates performance metrics based on business needs - Aggregation Driver: Combines data as needed - Alerting Engine: Highlights anomalies against user-defined thresholds - Integration with the Confluent Enterprise Control Center - Expanded support for IoT environments, including manufacturing, energy/utilities, and transportation/logistics The engine is designed to be used by people who understand their business problems. They can create their own data flows utilizing data from any number of sources and incorporate joins, aggregations, conflations, calculations, unions, merges, and alerts into their stream processing applications. They can then visualize processed data using Panopticon Visual Analytics and/or output it to Kafka, Kx kdb+, InfluxDb, or any SQL database.

Quick Start

Panopticon Explainer: Introduction to Panopticon Streaming Analytics

Managing critical IoT, telecommunications, and energy infrastructures requires real-time insight into massive amounts of information. Business analysts and engineers can’t wait for end-of-day reports to make decisions that directly affect their operations. They must be able to see and understand what is happening in real time – as it happens. They must also be able to examine all the events leading up a problem in fantastic detail. Altair Panopticon provides people working for the world’s largest corporations with the tools they need to build and deploy their own real-time analytics applications. With Panopticon, engineers and analysts can spot emerging trends, clusters, and outliers in seconds. They can also rewind and look at every single step in a series of events with nanosecond accuracy. Panopticon handles data directly from any data source you’re likely to use, including real-time message buses, time series database, CEP engines, SQL databases, and Big Data repositories.

Product Overview Videos

Panopticon Explainer: Introduction to Stream Processing

Altair Panopticon Streams is a sophisticated stream processing engine that leverages the agility, speed, and power of the Kafka Streams framework and Apache Kafka. Streams enables business users to design and deploy new data flows using a standard web browser. Simply point and click to draw the data flow. Subscribe to streaming data inputs, including Kafka topics, plus non-Kafka streaming sources like message buses, web sockets, CEP engines, ticker plants, and market data feeds. Retrieve historical data from tick databases, time series databases, SQL row stores, column stores, NoSQL, New SQL, and restful web services. Create alerts based on performance metrics against defined thresholds and output processed data to Kafka topics, to email, or write to databases like kdb+, InfluxDb, or any SQL database. Streams supports key data operations, including: - Join and Union data streams and tables - Aggregate and conflate streams of data - Perform calculations - Filter and Branch streams Panopticon Streams works beautifully with Panopticon Visual Analytics to create a flexible and highly capable streaming analytics platform.

Product Overview Videos

Panopticon Demo: Monitor ATM Performance

This video demonstrates how to use visual analytics to monitor performance and profitability of a network of ATM machines. The system can monitor the number of transactions for each machine and identify machines that under-performing due to lack of supplies, paper, failed transactions, and/or funds. The dashboards also utilize real time data from the ATM network to help managers identify cases of potential fraud, including card cloning.

Quick Start

Panopticon Demo: Monitor IoT Sensors with Control Charts

Panopticon enables organizations to monitor and analyze real-time data streaming in from a wide variety of IoT sensors in industrial applications.

Quick Start

Rapid Structural Evaluation of Complex Electronics Assemblies

One of the biggest challenges in the consumer electronics industry is reducing the time-to-market given the highly competitive landscape. Given the lack of time, companies are becoming more and more dependent on virtual simulations rather than physical prototyping to inform the design process. However, performing virtual simulations on large complicated assemblies can also be a tedious and time-consuming process due to geometry simplification and meshing. Additionally, rapid changes in material, geometry, and assemblies complicate the model building process and make it difficult to generate answers comparing various design iterations. This webinar seeks to introduce a CAD-based simulation process that drastically reduce the time it takes to make informed design decisions on large complicated electronic components. The methods presented in this webinar enable both the design and engineering teams to rapidly explore the performance of large electronic assemblies in seconds as opposed to hours.


Panopticon Demo: Monitor and Analyze Trading Profit and Loss in Real Time

The ability to analyze profitability during the trading day is a major advantage for firms engaged in electronic or high frequency trading. Traders can take corrective action like changes to strategy and execution venue selection as soon as they spot an issue that may drag trading into loss territory for the day.  The Panopticon Streaming Analytics Platform enables buy side and sell side firms to connect to virtually any data source, including kdb+, Kafka, InfluxDB, OneTick, and Solace (as well as virtually all other sources commonly deployed in electronic trading infrastructures). They can then visualize real-time streaming and historical time series data in ways that enable them to understand what exactly is happening with their profitability, what caused specific problems, and devise effective approaches to improve profits on the day.

Quick Start

Altair HyperStudy Product Overview

HyperStudy is a multi-disciplinary design exploration software helping engineers to improve their designs. By using an automatic processes combining state-of-the-art mathematical methods, predictive modeling and datamining, HyperStudy explores the design space smartly and efficiently.

Product Overview Videos

Panopticon Demo: Visual Monitoring and Analysis Applied to Best Execution

Tabular displays are useful in examining top level aggregated data, but quite limited when the number of rows grows to hundreds of thousands. This is especially true when dealing with data related Best Execution; there is an enormous amount of data to be analyzed, and the analysis must be conducted in a timely manner in order to be useful.  Specialized visual analytics tools make it much easier - and faster - to slice and dice the data to identify outliers and anomalies. We use different visual techniques to look at different aspects and dimensions in the data. When we spot a problem, we can drill into the child orders to figure out what is doing wrong. For example, visual analytics makes it obvious when a venue is underperforming, and since we can see what the issue is while it is happening, based on real-time trading data, we can reallocate our order flow to compensate during the trading day. We can also do "what if" analysis and understand what would happen if we redirected flow away from a particular venue.  Rather than using our data handling infrastructure only to generate reports as required by regulators or looking at end-of-day aggregated TCA data, we can effectively monitor and analyze all trades as they are happening and modify our trading activity to optimize our profitability and maintain compliance.

Quick Start

Panopticon Demo: Fast Visual Analytics for Capital Markets

Altair Panopticon makes it possible to identify outliers and anomalies very quickly in massive amounts of real-time and historical trading data. The tool is designed specifically for Capital Markets applications and major firms all over the world use it to improve profitability, manage risk, monitor trading activity, detect fraud, and perform other critical functions related to trading instruments of all types.

Quick Start

How Brompton Bicycle Makes Design Decisions in Seconds with Altair SimSolid

Together with Altair, Brompton Bicycle will give you insight into its experiences of utilizing Altair SimSolid, a revolutionary structural analysis solution developed specifically for design engineers. During the 60 minute session, Jonathan Heath, Lead Mechanical Engineer at Brompton Bicycle, demonstrates live how SimSolid is enabling their design and engineering teams to rapidly explore the performance of its new product gaining accurate feedback on whether parts and assemblies are fit for purpose in just a few seconds.


Advanced Trapping with Altair Monarch

Many of our customers invest in Altair Monarch for the advanced capability to access data from complex sources and convert it into workable rows and columns. However, they often use the solution to solve a very specific problem and capture data from a very specific report, without exploring the true potential of the product.


OptiStruct – Imperfection

Tips and Tricks #1403: OptiStruct – Imperfection Geometric imperfection can be applied to stability sensitive structures which have difficulties in being solved, because of local or global buckling.Imperfection helps to transform the bifurcation problem into a limit point problem.

Tips & Tricks

OptiStruct – PSEUDO Damage Calculation

Tips and Tricks #1404: OptiStruct – PSEUDO Damage Calculation PSEUDO damage calculation • Speedup the fatigue calculation dramatically. • Effective if the small damaged elements are not of concern. • SN/EN and Uni-axial/Multi-axial base metal fatigue with static subcase • Optimization supported.

Tips & Tricks

OptiStruct – Membranes in LGDISP & Plasticity

Tips and Tricks #1405: OptiStruct – Membranes in LGDISP & Plasticity Membranes are supported now for LGDISP NLSTAT analysis.For Nonlinear materials, plasticity is supported for membranes– both SMDISP and LGDISP.Both 1st order and 2nd order elements are supported for SMDISP and LGDISP NLSTAT.Stress on membranes should be comparable (not exact) to surface stresses on solids (which can be obtained with specifying ISOP option as INT0 in PSOLID, and output stress at GAUSS location).

Tips & Tricks

OptiStruct – New Beam Formulation

Tips and Tricks #1406: OptiStruct – New Beam Formulation New Beam Formulation (Timoshenko) • Timoshenko beam theory formulation is introduced with PARAM,BEAMALT,YES for CBAR/CBEAM.Default is NO. • With this formulation turned on, the shear deformation of the beam will be more accurate and rotary inertia will alsobe added. For the maximum accuracy, it is recommended to use PARAM,COUPMASS,YES.

Tips & Tricks

OptiStruct – CGAP Force Output Includes Preload

Tips and Tricks #1407: OptiStruct – CGAP Force Output Includes Preload CGAP Force Output Includes Preload • Preload force ‘F0’ is included in the CGAP element force output. • Preload force ‘F0’ is supported for Nonlinear static analysis (SMDISP/LGDISP), and ignored in linear analysis. • The output is available in *.h3d and/or *.op2. & with OPTI forces are written to a .force file. • With NLOUT request, incremental CGAP force output is available in *.h3d and .force file. • Currently ‘on the fly’ CGAP force output in *.impl.h3d file is not available.

Tips & Tricks

Inspire Studio How-to Series: Sweep and Loft

A short clip showing how easy is to create smooth and continuous NURBS sweep and loft surfaces in Inspire Studio. Learn more and get a free trial license at altair.com/inspire-studio.


Faster, More Efficient Modeling With Next-Gen HyperMesh

The next generation HyperWorks experience was created to enable teams to move from physics to physics, domain to domain or even create reports without ever leaving their simulation model. Every tool in the suite delivers a solution-specific workflow with a meticulously designed and discoverable user-interface, differentiated for each user profile, but still familiar across the toolset. Altair started delivering on this vision with the initial release of Inspire and has continued to bring more and more functionality to its customers with each release. Now, the next generation HyperMesh provides a modern environment for meshing, modeling, and morphing with no loss of existing functionality for long-term customers. Learn about the reimagining of Altair HyperMesh and how your product development can benefit today. The presentation will showcase: -Brand new workflows for geometry recreation and editing -Midmeshing and interactive batch meshing -Free direct morphing -Parts and reps management -Concept design iteration


SimSolid 2019.4 Introduction

In this course you will have the opportunity to learn about the capabilities contained within SimSolid. Modules contained within the course provide detailed descriptions of the tools and workflows within SimSolid. You will also have the opportunity to watch and perform hands on exercises throughout the modules.


Altair Feko Product Overview

Altair Feko is a comprehensive computational electromagnetics (CEM) code used widely in the telecommunications, automobile, space and defense industries.

Product Overview Videos

Technical Deep Dive - Optimize Execution Quality using Cloud Data, Python and Streaming Analytics

In this webinar our panel discusses new approaches to the old problems of optimized execution, the role of new technologies including AI in improvement, and how to implement and integrate tools and technologies to build an efficient and cost-effective technology stack. This is a deep dive into the technology architecture and tools required for quants and other decision-makers involved in the trading process to optimize execution quality.


Inspire Print3D Product Overview

Altair Inspire Print3D is an additive manufacturing (AM) product development and process simulation solution that enables teams to enhance part quality and minimize lead time and AM costs by reducing material usage, print time and post-processing. It enables Design for Additive Manufacturing (DfAM), providing a fast and accurate toolset for the design and process simulation of selective laser melting (SLM) parts.

Product Overview Videos

Optimization of Material Properties Workflow and Materials Selection in CAE

As the leading provider of materials reference data Key to Metals AG will present the key aspects of how the Total Materia database can support and improve the accuracy of simulation results whilst reducing cost, optimizing material usage and eliminating a large amount of risk that can be attributed to poor decisions around materials. Through the APA version to Total Materia, users can see a practical demonstration of the software.


Automatic Refinement in the Next Generation HyperWorks

Use the tool to refine elements as quads based on a given refinement size.

Tips & Tricks

HyperWorks Next Generation – Find and Fill Cavities

Find and Fill Cavities: Use the Plug tool to find and fill cavities. The Plug tool can also be used to remove protrusions, holes, and complex features.

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