Available Modules
3D Import: Imports STL and STEP files in single or assembly format. Fixes some errors with the files. Accuracy can be changed. Positioning of solids, creating shells, assembly of all different components.
Browser: Viewing and investigation of all stored results from the simulation modules.
Database: Open material database for casting and mold materials.
Default Settings: The default setting of all possible parameters for all modules.
Flow: Mould filling of the casting taking heat transfer and solidification into account during the filling. The simulation stops at 100 % filled.
Flow&Solid: Mould filling of the casting taking heat transfer and solidification into account during the filling, followed by solidification down to a 0 % liquid or to a settable temperature.
Solid: Solidification simulation starting with a filled mold with even temperature.
Stress: Stress calculation that works as a postprocessor to Solid or Flow&Solid.
Products Not Currently Available Through the APA
Calibrate: Calibration of thermal properties using thermal analysis.
Good Guys’ Index (GGI): A function to evaluate your casting setup from a technical, energy, and environmental point of view.
NovaMethod: The 3D CAD system that is designed as a preprocessor to NFS handles all 3D issues including fixing of files, changing files, and de-featuring.
NovaShot: Module calculates process data for the High pressure die casting process. It is a spreadsheet calculation based on rules and formulas designed by the North American Die casting association.